Education, especially of girls and woman, is widely regarded as the best investment that most developing countries can make. African girls are some of the brightest and most dedicated individuals you will ever meet, and when given a bit of assistance in achieving their goals, they make the world a substantially better place. Study after study has shown the significant economic and social benefits of educating girls. Investing in girls education leads directly to increased economic growth, delays marriages, improves health and nutrition, and increases child survival rates. The education of girls has repeatedly proven to be the single most effective tool for development. Girls without an education will be greatly disadvantaged in the future and will struggle with maximizing their potential as adults.
For many African girls, education is equivalent to life itself. Education is frequently
the only path through which girls escape the devastating and vicious cycle of poverty.
Patriarchy continues to dominate African society, and the girl-child pays the heaviest
price. Although more girls are now attending primary school, the numbers drop
significantly as these students progress to the later grades. When poverty forces
parents to choose which child they must educate, the boys are selected first.
Indeed, girls without an education will be greatly disadvantaged in the future and will struggle with maximizing their potential as adults.